My interdisciplinary research concerning organizational resilience and disruption is motivated by an interest in investigating the antecedents and mechanisms that contribute to resilience-building in organizations and societies, with the goal of sustainable development. There are three main research streams:
Stream #1: Relational Resilience
The first stream of my research aims to advance our understanding of how an organization can effectively respond to adversity through coordination, collaboration and cooperation with stakeholders, in particular, as regards connections external to organizations. In addition to the relational lens applied in exploring the phenomenon of organizational resilience, I also adopt perspectives from Buddhist philosophy (e.g., Skilful Means), ancient Chinese philosophies (e.g., the Art of War) and the ecology.
Stream #2: Disruptive context: Risk, Disruption and Uncertainty
Stream #3: Methodology
The third research stream focuses on methodology, which is directed to explore alternative ways, moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies, in the hope of establishing a meaningful dialogue between ideas and evidence, which can illuminate complex and dynamic social phenomena, such as resilience and disruption.
You, J. (2021). Exploring Organizational Resilience from an Inter-organizational Perspective: Relational Resilience based on Business Ecosystems in China, (Doctoral dissertation, Durham University).
Inspired by the first research stream, the second stream focuses on disruptive contexts in which to build resilience. Organizations operate in an environment where there are numerous events occurring on a daily basis, yet not all events capture or engage the attention. This is especially true as regards those that are taken for granted or viewed as daily routines and can lead organizations or individuals in the organizations to become unaware or less sensitive to minor deviations from the original plan (e.g., drift), which then can accumulate over time, potentially leading to a major crisis.
Book/book chapter

Williams, C & You, J. J. (2021). Organizing for Resilience: Leading and Managing Risk in a Disruptive World, London: Routledge.
To find more information about the book, please click the link

You, J. J., Vu, M. C & Williams, C. (2020). Building Skilful Resilience amid Uncertainty, in S. H. Park., M. J. Gonzalez-Perez & D. E. Floriani (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Sustainability in the Digital Era, London: Palgrave-MacMillan, pp. 379-395
To find more information about the book chapter, please click the link
You, J. J. (2022). A 'Sensitising' Perspective on Understanding Students’ Learning Experiences in Case Studies’, The International Journal of Management Education. 20 (2), 1-13.
Williams, C., You, J. J & Joshua, K. (2020). ‘Small business resilience in a remote tourist destination: exploring close relationship capabilities on the Island of St Helena’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(7), pp. 937-955.
Dilyard, J., Zhao, S & You, J. J. (2021). 'Digital Technology and Industry 4.0 for Global Value Chain Resilience: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward’. Thunderbird International Business Review, 63, pp.577-584.
Takeshita, S., Lee, S. H., Williams, C., & You, J. J. (2021). Crisis, rigidity and nonliberal governance in Japan: the cases of Mitsubishi Motors and Kanebo. Continuity & Resilience Review (in press).
Williams C & You, J. J. (2018). ‘Building resilience in client organisations: the consultant’s challenge’, Management Consulting Journal, 2, pp. 10-12
Williams, C., Conner, N. & You, J. J. (2021). ‘Management consultancy: the power to unleash natural capital thinking’, Management Consulting Journal, 7, pp. 14-17
Others (selection)
You, J. J. (2021). ‘Business Analytics and Machine Learning Applications – Reflections from Durham Analytics Day’. Durham Research Method Conversations.
Williams, C., Eerde, W.V & You, J. J. (2017).’Expatica Communications: Leading through Tragedy.’ Ivey Publishing (product ID: 8B17C001).
Work in Progress
Under Review / R&R
You, J. J., & Williams, C. ‘Organizational Resilience and Inter-Organizational Relationships: An Exploration of Chinese Business-Service Firms’.
You, J. J. Designing and Implementing Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (FCM) Studies in Business and Management.
Williams, C. You, J. J & Spielmann, N. ‘External pressure and entrepreneurial orientation in SMEs: an attention-based approach with evidence from the wine industry’.
Ashiru, F., Nakpodia, F., and You, J. J. The Role of Emerging Technologies in Supply Chain Disruptions during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Nigerian SMEs.
You, J. J., & Williams, C. Revisiting Sun Tzu’s The Art of War: Implications for Resilience Leadership.
Preparation for submission
‘Exploring inter-organizational relationships in China: an ecosystem approach’ (PhD Chapter 4)
‘A typology of organizational disruption: A temporal and spatial perspective’ (PhD Chapter 5)
‘Exploring Relational Resilience: A Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Approach’ (PhD Chapter 6)
‘Organizational Resilience from Sun Tze’s The Art of War’, presented at the 1st Organization Theory Workshop
‘Resilience in global value chains from the perspective of relational pluralism’, presented at the 43th European International Business Academy.
Research Project
ESRC project (ES/W005611/1): 'Towards A Theory of Resilient Ecosystems: A System Approach to Organisational Resilience', Durham University Business School, UK.
SME resilience survey in France with Prof. Ana Colovic and Prof. Chris Williams, NEOMA Business School, France.
Experimental study: ‘How does leader identity affect community resilience amid uncertainty?’, Durham University Business School, UK.
Page updated on 10th October, 2021