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Abstract: We find ourselves in a time of unprecedented challenges. Climate change, biodiversity loss, global pandemic, political uncertainty, social change, economic turbulence, and rapid digitalisation will transform all communities, sectors and societies in the coming decades. Our systems are increasingly socially, technologically and economically intertwined globally, making them susceptible to disruption and crises. A focus on enhancing the ability of systems to survive (or persist) and thrive in an ever-changing environment has become a critical priority. Resilience has become a commonly used narrative in a range of contexts. For example, resilience is acknowledged explicitly and implicitly across the proposed UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). At a national level, Governments (e.g., the UK HMG Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy) have articulated the ambition to approach resilience in a (whole of society) connected way. These aspirations are useful attention directors, but they have neither stimulated the lines of empirical enquiry we need nor provided the appropriate conceptual framework to underpin the analytical understanding and practical appreciation of the resilience challenges of the day. The session will discuss organisational resilience and will explore the theoretical, practical, methodological, and pedagogical challenges and opportunities.
Speaker Bio: David is a leading authority on organizational resilience, leadership and change with over 20 years of experience gained in academia, industry and consultancy. He is Professor of Leadership and Organisational Change and leads the Cranfield University multi-disciplinary Resilience Grand Challenge. David is Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Fellow of the British Academy of Management, Fellow of the CIPD, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Advanced Institute for Management Research and Fellow of the Centre for Evidence-based Management. He has just completed a research project on resilience on behalf of the National Preparedness Commission (NPC). He is a member of the British Standards Institution (BSI) technical committee for organizational resilience (BS65000). David’s academic papers have been cited 20,000 times (Google Scholar). He regularly speaks at international academic conferences and delivers keynotes at high-profile professional events.
If you would like to contribute to the conversation, please contact Jacqueline You by email: jing.you@durham.ac.uk.