In this presentation, Prof Wong will use ecosystem perspective to explain how supply chains (economic systems) affect the flows of nutrients and energy that lead to ecosystem degradation, which in turn threatens ecological and community resilience. By so doing, he then questions whether sustainable supply chain management research is heading towards building sustainable and resilient businesses and societies. He will then discuss the challenges business and management researchers face regarding what we choose to research. He will highlight some solutions debated by environmental scientists and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that we shy away from. This serves as a platform for suggesting alternate a research paradigm.
Bio for Prof. Chee Yew Wong
Chee is a professor of supply chain management at Leeds University Business School. He teaches logistics, supply chain and operations management. He has more than nine years of industrial working and consultancy experience in operations, purchasing, production, inventory and distribution management and supply chain design with SMEs and multinational companies specialised in beverage, logistics, retail, consumer goods, toys, engineering, metal production, and polymer distribution. His research interests lie in the areas of supply chain integration, digital supply chain, supply chain analytics and green supply chain. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Physical and Distribution Management (IJPDLM). For more information, please visit:
University of Leeds Staff Profile: https://business.leeds.ac.uk/staff/368/professor-chee-yew-wong
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=cGW32HEAAAAJ&hl=en
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cheeyewwong/
Related Book: https://www.koganpage.com/product/sustainable-logistics-and-supply-chain-management-9780749478278